EUR ING, Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Peter Anderwald

EUR ING, Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Peter Anderwald

Training Manager

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Subject: Legal requirements

Legal basis for the fire protection group
  • Workplace ordinance, state laws
  • Training
  • Deployment exercises
  • Notices from authorities
  • Crew size
  • Equipment
  • Compulsory attendance
Tasks and objective
  • Support of the fire safety officer during evacuation of the workplace
  • Fighting incipient fires
  • Preparation of a possible fire department operation
  • Investigation before the arrival of the fire department
  • Implementation of the intervention service

Subject: Structural fire protection

Structural fire protection as an introduction
  • Fire compartmentation
  • Escape route protection
  • Escape route marking
  • Escape route doors
  • Partitions
  • Fire protection closures

Topic: Technical fire protection

Legal requirements
  • Workplace Ordinance
  • Ordinance on the storage of flammable liquids (VbF)
  • Building laws and regulations
  • Fire police laws and regulations
Function and mode of operation of technical fire protection equipment
  • TRVB S 114 - Connection conditions
  • Extinguishing systems (gas, spark, sprinkler, explosion suppression systems)
  • Smoke and heat extraction systems
  • Acceptances
  • Maintenance, especially inspection
  • Revisions

Topic: Organization of the fire protection group

Alerting options
  • Siren
  • Paging
  • Selective call
  • Collective call
  • Text announcements
  • Recognizability
  • Equipment
  • Additional training
  • Accessibility
  • Means of communication
  • Detect area
  • Local knowledge
  • Exploration hazards

Assessing dangerous situations Warning - alerting Rescuing with simple aids Use of escape filter masks and compressed air escape devices Cooperation with emergency services

Preparatory measures
  • Evacuation plan
  • Escape route plan
  • Collection point
  • Preparation, initiation, implementation of an evacuation
Internal measures in the event of fire

Switching off, shutting down sources of danger
(gas, electricity, water, flammable liquids, conveying equipment, mechanical exhaust systems, etc.)

Commissioning of fire protection equipment

Smoke and heat extraction systems, fire compartmentation measures, extinguishing systems, fire water supply systems, hydrant systems, etc.

Exercise implementation

practical preparation of an exercise plan

Newsletter registration

Select list(s):

We are relocated

Dear Sir or Madam,

From now on you will find us at the new company location in Ribnigstraße 4, 9580 Villach-Drobollach