Fire protection and safety engineering / approval and authority management
Innovative solutions for fire protection and safety technology as well as approval and authority management
Fire protection concepts / fire protection reports
Creation of fire protection concepts / fire protection technical descriptions for compliance with the OIB guidelines
Fire protection concept with methods of fire protection engineering for the presentation of compliance with the protection regulations - Innovative fire protection concepts and solutions!
The fire protection concepts are prepared according to the OIB guideline - deviations as well as the VFDB guideline ....
The fire protection concepts should not only serve the authority for the approval, but also for the building owner and his executing companies, so that they have a guideline for the construction work and measures to be implemented.
The economic implementation of the fire protection measures is in the foreground, taking into account the legal requirements.
Extinguishing water concepts
In addition to the municipality, the developer is also responsible for the provision of extinguishing water. In order to ensure economic efficiency in this area as well, it is necessary to include the supply of extinguishing water in the planning in advance. It is also possible to save costs by optimizing the supply of extinguishing water. In this way, several companies can jointly use extinguishing water systems.
Remediation concepts
All-encompassing refurbishment concepts require sensitivity in planning. By optimizing structural and plant engineering measures, the most economical and technically optimal standard can be achieved here.
There is also the possibility of achieving an economically justifiable implementation by making extensive use of the possibilities offered by commercial law.
Commercial submissions
We support new tradesmen with their official jungle in order to obtain a quick and unbureaucratic permit. Existing commercial enterprises are also supported with advice and assistance in the case of expansions, such as additions and conversions.
Fire protection construction supervision and acceptance / ÖBA
Through the often officially prescribed fire protection technical construction supervision, it can already be ensured during the construction phase that the prescribed and planned measures are properly implemented. In addition to the requirements of building law, the specifications of the Construction Products Ordinance are also of essential importance. Through an optimized selection of products, economic efficiency and cost optimization can usually be achieved. A fire protection technical construction supervision replaces high cost-intensive renovations afterwards. The fire protection technical construction supervision can also be ordered voluntarily by the building owner.
Fire load calculations
A fire load calculation is indispensable as a basis for the economic design of fire protection systems. This enables the fire protection systems to be optimized in terms of their effect and costs.
Fire inspection according to K-GFPO
A fire inspection in accordance with K-GFPO is required by law for each property. The fire inspection for "high risk" must be carried out every 5 years.
We can also support you in the elimination of defects and monitor the implementation of these for you, whether they are properly executed (eg bulkheading, installation of fire doors, ...)
Explosion protection / VEXAT
A document is required for each plant, in which the dangers of an explosion are dealt with. In this regard, we will prepare the necessary documents.
Safety analyses / safety concepts
When performing safety analyses before and after accidents, possible hazards are dealt with on the basis of standardized specifications. In this way, the effects of possible accidents and incidents are analyzed in advance. Safe operation is thus ensured and a possible damage rate is minimized.
Fire protection plans / escape route plans
Fire protection plans in accordance with TRVB O 121 are required for all fire protection systems. Escape route plans are required in every company.
Operational checks
We inspect your operating facilities to ensure that they comply with the current state of the art and carry out, among other things, the recurring §82b-GewO inspection, fire inspections at high risk (eg if fire protection equipment is present, such as fire alarm systems, smoke and heat extraction systems, sprinkler systems,...)....