EUR ING, Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Peter Anderwald
Training ManagerContact us
Laws ÖNORM H 6029 Guidelines TRVB S125
Fire smoke
Formation and dangers of fire smoke
Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems (SHEVS)
- Systems for securing escape routes
- Systems for preventing the spread of fire
- Equipment to support active firefighting operations
- Basic operation and function
Types, structure and basics of dimensioning
BRE - Natural RWA
- Fire and smoke sections
- Smoke curtains, smoke blinds
- Types fans
- Types of control
- Line installations (electrical, compressed air)
- Additional equipment
- Basic device requirements
BRA - Mechanical SHEVS (dimensioning according to TRVB S 125 with smoke-free layer)
- Temperature resistance
- Application
- Testing
- Maintenance
Mechanical fire smoke extraction systems according to ÖNORM H 6029 (dimensioning according to air exchange rates for smoke dilution)
- Air exchange rates, temperature resistance
- Application
- Testing
- Maintenance
Interaction of ventilation measures with other technical fire protection equipment
- Fire alarm system
- Sprinkler system
Behavior in case of fire
- Alert
- Save
- Delete
- Triggering without fire effect
- Danger from weather conditions
Operating SHEVS
Duties of the operator
- Acceptance
- Maintenance
- Revision
Duties of the supervisor of a SHEVS Measures to maintain the protection value.
- Knowledge of the function of the SHEVS
- Self-checking
- Keeping the control book
- Measure in case of decommissioning
Defects affecting the protective value of the SHEVS
- Modification of the bearings
- Bearing heights structural changes
- Extensions
- Change of the control
- Change of use
- Defects in the release device
Staircase - smoke vents
- Legal basis Requirements
Construction types and calculation of the ventilation cross-section of the smoke extraction devices - Triggering types of the staircase smoke vents in various structural systems.
- Design examples Planning examples