EUR ING, Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Peter Anderwald
Training ManagerContact us
After positive completion of module 1, the fire protection officer receives the Austrian Fire Protection Passport. The BSW must undergo further training within 5 years.
Topic: Basics
Basics of operational fire protection
- Overview of legal basics
- Workplace Ordinance
- Employee Protection Act
- Provincial legal provisions
- Introduction to fire protection
- Importance of fire protection
- Terms and definitions
- Preventive fire protection
- Defensive fire protection
- BSW - with tasks
- Company fire department
- Intervention Service
Topic: General behavior
Fire hazards
- Statistics
- Ignition source key as overview
- General fire prevention measures
- Fire hazards or fire origin due to:
- Electrical energy
- Electrical installations
- Illuminant
- Mechanical energy
- Cooking and heating devices
- Gas appliances
- Smoking
- Open fire and light
- Fire Hazardous Activities
- Bearings
- Spontaneous combustion
- Static charge
Behavior in case of fire
- Alert
- Save
- Delete
Topic: Self control
Self-inspection by the BSW
- Basic terms
- of the structural fire protection
- the technical fire protection equipment
- Self-checking according to control plan -
with records - Monitoring compliance
of the fire safety regulations
Topic: Burning and extinguishing
Combustion basics
- Chemical and physical fundamentals of combustion
- Combustion triangle
- Manifestations of combustion
- Fire classes
- Ignition point
- Flash point
- Explosion limits
Extinguishing in theory
- Chemical and physical basics of the extinguishing process
- Suitability of extinguishing agents and mode of action
Allocation of extinguishing agents to the fire classes - Fire extinguisher suitability
- Functionality of fire extinguishers
- Compressed gas extinguisher
- Charge extinguisher
- Process of commissioning fire extinguishers
- Sequence of handles
- Sealing
- Operational readiness
- Behavior during fire fighting
- Dangers during extinguishing due to smoke gases
- Stinging flames
- Thermal radiation
- Explosions
- Collapse
- Opening doors of a fire room
- Electricity
- wrong extinguishing agents
- Measures after the use of fire extinguishers
- Types wall hydrants
- Functionality of wall hydrants
- Process of commissioning wall hydrants
Practical exercises with fire extinguishers
- Exercise of the necessary hand movements for commissioning
- zation of fire extinguishers
- Correct use of fire extinguishers
- Observance of the wind direction
- Direction of the extinguishing jet
- Cooperation of several persons
Any travel times to external training sites do not count as training times
Extinguishing of suitable training objects of fire classes A and B in compliance with ÖBFV-RL A-01
Topic: Fire hazardous activities
Monitoring of fire hazardous activities in compliance with: ÖBFV-RL VB-03 BV Guideline BV 104
- Fire hazards
- Welding torch flames
- Heat conduction
- Secondary flames
- Beads of sweat
- Behavioral measures
- Removal, covering, sealing
- Empty
- Inerting
- Monitor, observe
- Provision of fire extinguishing equipment
- Follow-up checks
- Cold process
- Release bill